Azure AD Report

This report shows various information from Azure AD.

Example Usage:

  • Shows all user, group, device, service principals, and application information
  • Audit logs are used to show sign-in activity
  • Determine what items (users, service principals, applications) were created during the period and if it matches to any access request forms


  • Users (Created) – all users created within the report month period
  • ServicePrincipals (Created) – all users created within the report month period
  • Azure Activity (By Principal) – Any service principal actions during the month period
  • Azure Activity (By User) – Any user actions during the month period
  • Azure Role Assignments (Principal – Created) – any new Service Principle role assignments during the month period
  • Azure Role Assignments (User – Created) – any new User based role assignments during the month
  • Audit Log – All Azure AD activity
  • Device – All Azure AD Devices
  • Azure Activity
  • Sign In Log (Apps) – All signs by users to applications through Azure AD integration
  • Enterprise Apps (Signins) – All sign-ins to Enterprise Applications through Azure AD integration
  • Role Assignments
  • Enterprise Apps – List of all Enterprise Applications
  • Applications – List of all registered applications
  • Top Apps – The list of the top applications used
  • Groups

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