Cost Management Report

This report is used to determine if any resources are exceeding Azure budgets and allows for zeroing in on any over subscribed resources and the users responsible.  The report looks for specific tags such as Contact, Project, MonthlyCost to show you breakdown by those tags.

Example Usage:

  • Cost management
  • By resource/subscription cost accounting


  • Budgets – Each subscription should have a budget, then tracking to that budget can be accomplished
  • Over Costs – Any items that are over the monthly cost
  • Last Day Spend – The last days spend
  • Resource Group by Target Cost – Costs by resource group as compared to the MonthlyCost tag
  • Cost by Resource Group – The spend by resource group
  • Cost By Subscription – the spend by subscription
  • Cost by Contact – the spend by contact (tag)
  • Cost by Project – the spend by project (tag)
  • Resource Groups by Subscription
  • Cost By Product – the spend based on Azure product
  • No Project – Any resource groups that have no Project tag

Screen Shots: